How will the maritime service industry change as it decarbonizes?
While adjacent sectors have brought new innovations to the industry, many basic services will remain critical to the efficient operations of boats and ports.
That said, these too can be decarbonized, or can provide previously unavailable services to the maritime industry all in the name of making ships and ports more efficient with lower impact.
Questions being asked by ports and operators globally include:
How do we decarbonize water-based port services?
How do we decarbonize land operations?
If ships move to batteries or alternative fuels, where are those stored?
How are those new supply chains maintained?
How do we ensure the safety of the workers involved in these new supply chains?
Are there better/faster/cheaper ways to clean boat hulls between voyages?
How are the waste streams from these new approaches captured, and is there value in these waste streams?
Areas of Focus
Battery Charging
Shore Power Integration
Environmental Monitoring
Shared Economy
Boat Cleaning
Waste To Value
Zero Waste Ballast